Dear Mr. Fenton,
I am writing this letter to let you know how satisfied we are with Joel's customer service, product knowledge, and technical skills. He has been presented with several complex issues that he has troubleshooted successfully. We appreciate his diligence in first recognizing the problem and then getting it resolved. Joel is very timely in his customer service delivery and communication. Several times when we call Joel, our printers are completely down, and he has the sense of urgency we expect in order to get our equipment up and running so our empolyees can continue to be productive.
Joel genuinely cares about the people he serves and he is very friendly and good natured. We value our relationship with Joel, and just wanted to pass this along to you. So often in the business world, we don't praise those who deserve praise, and I wanted to take the opportunity to praise Joel for a job well done and we look forward to our continued relationship with Joel and Fentons Office Solutions, Inc.
Legal Systems Support Specialist

To create a better experience for you we have organized a new website. We hope this makes your time with Fenton's more pleasurable. Enjoy our new store with its built in shopping cart. We hope you find this website a tool that will make your business life easier. Please leave feedback so we can keep improving the quality of our services. Remember at Fenton's you are number one.


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